We are a long standing CIWM/WAMITAB centre – our origin is The South West Regional Assessment Centre established in 1996. We deliver Levels 1 – 4 qualifications in the following areas:
Waste & resource management including recycling, reuse, supervisory, front-line environmental services, Level 4 Diploma in Systems & Operations Management and levels 2 & 3 Technical Certificate for the Waste Apprenticeship Framework – Principles of Sustainable Resource Management.
Primary Competence (low, medium and high risk)
Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
The way we assess these qualifications is as follows:
We register candidates with CIWM/WAMITAB ourselves prior to starting any assessments. The registration fee is payable at the start of the process and further payments are requested after each visit. The registration fee also includes a one-day Environmental Legislation course which provides excellent underpinning knowledge prior to starting the qualification and for the knowledge and understanding questions.
We then conduct a pre-assessment meeting to discuss the entire qualification and units that you need to complete, so you get an understanding of what it is all about. We also do a training needs analysis form at this time to identify areas where you may have a gap in your knowledge and will need training/mentoring/support. Paperwork will be sent out to you prior to this.
After this initial meeting, the duration of the qualification is candidate led and by that we mean that you as the candidate and the assessor agree the next date(s) to meet and the scope of work that needs to be covered over that period of time. Evidence can be gathered in a number of ways such as: assessor observations, videoing, question & answer sessions and product (paperwork) evidence. In between meetings, the assessor is always contactable to ask questions over the phone (or email) to provide you with support.
Costs can be cut down if you have done the amount of work mutually agreed by the time of the next assessment. Costs usually escalate if you tell the assessor that you have done the work, only for the assessor to find that you haven’t when they arrive on site or a virtual meeting! This can be avoided by speaking to the assessor to re-negotiate a different visit date by which the work is achievable. It’s all about flexible learning and we fit into your schedule and work commitments.
We have a candidate led, flexible approach that helps you work towards achieving your qualification by the following methods:
Skype, Zoom Conferencing or teleconferencing to chat through things or perhaps record audibly your answers to questions rather given verbally than written.
The assessor can be emailed knowledge and understanding question answers for them to comment, mark and provide feedback remotely.
Other product evidence can also be sent to the assessor such as EMS systems, policies and procedures, copies of transfer/consignment notes, story boards (e.g. writing the sequence of how waste is to be accepted into the site and how you expect to deal with non-conforming waste or other similar examples, emails showing how you’ve sorted out problems especially in obtaining the Site Permit (if you’ve been involved in this process) or when you’ve sought external help etc. So basically any paper evidence you would be including in your portfolio could be scanned and sent with supporting written descriptions describing what it is, what it’s for and how it relates to you and the assessment criteria.
Using WeTransfer or Dropbox (or even Whatsapp for videos) would facilitate larger file sizes being sent.